a whole Lotta ties
For anyone following me on instagram you might have noticed a slight increase in focus on ties recently. Not that my article about the Stefanobigi tie, and the follow up article wouldn’t suggest I wasn’t already into neckties.
The short story is that I recently received a bunch of neckties. And I mean a bunch.
As such, I also started adding a picture to each post presenting the tie for the day.
In any case, my Danish friend introduced me to his “tie-agent”, a guy in a black suit with dark sunglasses, leaving no stone unturned in Italy to provide us with the best vintage neckties available. The truth of course sounds a lot less sinister, but I’m sticking to that story.
And of course I’m extending a big thank you to my friend!
So I ended up receiving 150 neckties or so with yet another, significantly more handpicked bunch on the way.
Paisleys, geometric patterns, a mix of both, all in all some amazing ties. I think I’m currently on the watchlist of Japanese customs.
It’s been so inspirational having this lot to choose from. Not that it does much in terms of my style approach but it really has revitalised my eagerness to properly dress every day (or at least makes it more interesting) and now without having to repeat a necktie for a couple of months to come. It might happen though, seeing as some of these are too amazing not to wear more than once.
I will admit that I’m still sort of drawn to brands even for neckties, and some of the ones I received were from the likes of Nicky, Franco Bassi, Giorgio Armani, Balenciaga, YSL and Versace.
But seeing some of the ties from brands I have never heard of or the “mystery ties”, as in brand unknown, were some of the most amazing in terms of colours and patterns the experience as a whole trumped the brand part to a great extent.
So let’s just get to the fun part. I’ll make a post about different lots of ties as I wear them compiling 10-20 each post.
You can find the compilations below. I will update this post as the compilations increase. Enjoy!