neapolitan Japan pt. 2


So, first things first. I had a little break from posting anything here the past two weeks. It’s not as if I didn’t have any ideas or a writing block, but I must admit I found myself somewhat painted into a corner.

First of all, in the meantime with regards to outbespoken, I’ve had some time to clean up a little here and there and to think about which direction I’m heading with this site. And otherwise, tried to spend a little more time outside and enjoy the early summer days.

So why the hiatus?

I have quite a few articles waiting to be posted and quite a few topics I want to get into but lately the sartorial part of my life has been more or less exclusively consisting of Ring Jacket and neckties. 

Other than that I have plans to get into some of the home-tailoring, some books and some more Japan related topics I’m eager to discuss. 

But honestly, as for now there is just a ton of Ring Jacket related articles waiting to be posted.

So what’s the problem?

As with all my posts about TLB Mallorca which all came within a short timespan, by doing so you always stand at risk of being accused of being a brand promoter and I want what I write to be read with the confidence that it’s my honest opinions with no strings attached. 

With both TLB Mallorca and Ring Jacket the case is the same: I’ve found that one maker where all my wishes and needs are met and as a result most of what I end up getting in the respective categories will inevitably be from them.

Well, now that that’s out of the way.

I’ve called this post Neapolitan Japan pt. 2 and given the content up until now, that might seem somewhat clickbaity. But, it’s because I’ve come to the conclusion, somewhat unfortunately, that if the quest ever was to find the perfect Japanese Neapolitan style or brand, I seemingly already have done so in Ring Jacket.

To put it this way, I reached first place even before the race had started. Now all I have to do is collect the prize.

It’s the perfect marriage. Tailored wear made in Japan made with the inspiration from Neapolitan tradition. Nothing new as related to what I wrote in earlier articles, but the difference being, now I have more of a hands on experience. Thus, I feel the need to reiterate my excitement. 

I’ll be getting into some details with regards to certain models of jackets, custom orders and some presentations of the garments. I know these topics comes of as being somewhat shallow, but I guess if you’re already here reading, you’re interested in seeing more. 

My aim is still the same; finding those pieces that makes my life brighter and hopefully showcasing those can give inspiration and ideas to others. 

This isn’t to say that there aren’t other brands or stores to write about. 

But as I mentioned, because I found the epitome of what I was looking for in Ring Jacket, lately that is where I’ve spent most of my time.

As such, for the coming weeks there will certainly not be any less Ring Jacket related posts. 

All that aside though, I really think that if you happen to like some of the jackets or suits you often see me wear it will be worth your while having a look at these posts.


the Tie pt. 2

