the Holy Book

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I know what you’re thinking; certainly he is talking about either Dressing the man, True Style or Style & the man, or all of them. 

As much as both Alan Flusser and Bruce Boyer have been pivotal in both mine and most mens style exploration there is another book that I think should be in any persons library. 

A Dictionary of Colour Combinations by Sanzo Wada. 

By the way, there’s a volume 2, but that one is optional. 

So why is this simple book of colour schemes so important you ask? 

Well, I’m not coming from a place of perfectly mastering colour combination, honestly quite the contrary. So I know first hand how inspiring this book can be.

In fact, my style is mundanely simple when it comes to colours. But even so, I’ve found so much inspiration just browsing through this collection and in some ways I think it has helped me also be more intuitive about selecting colours to match and pair. 

Beyond just fashion, this is a book that can be used for anything that involves colours; Interior design, logo design, by painters and illustrators. As long as there’s colours involved this book is your guide.

It has a section for pairing two colours, three colours and four and you’ll find a big colour dictionary in the back which is convenient. 

Not to mention the last section where you can do cut outs and mix and match for yourself and bring swatches with you if be needed. Childish fun I know, but don’t underestimate bringing out that kid in you for this book because it will be beneficial, I promise. 

So whether you are still wearing those satin ties and pocket squares that came as a set, or you’re acing it as the color matching peacock god at Pitti Uomo, I am almost certain you’ll want this book.


summer Fabrics


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